Boosting Your 3rd-8th Grader’s Foundational Skills Post-Pandemic

5 Effective At-Home Strategies for Reading and 数学 


的se past few years have been quite a rollercoaster, haven’t they? Navigating the educational landscape during the pandemic has been no small feat. 在革命预备学校, we understand how 至关重要的 it is to stay informed and take steps to help your child succeed academically. 的 2024年哈佛 斯坦福大学 研究 has given us valuable insights into how our students are doing, and it’s time to roll up our sleeves and offer some much-needed support. 

So, here’s the scoop from the 研究: students nationwide have made progress, 这是一件值得欢呼的事情! 的y’ve managed to recover about one-third of the ground they lost in math and one-quarter in reading during the 2022-23 school year. It’s quite an achievement, considering the challenges they’ve faced. However, there’s still work to be done to get back on track. 

在数学, students in most of the states studied are still trailing behind, about a third of a grade level below where they should be. In reading, almost half of the states are in a similar boat. 其中的信息很明确: our kids need some extra TLC to bridge these academic gaps. 

就像全国许多父母一样, you may be wondering where to begin when it comes to helping your child improve their literacy and math skills. Don’t worry; we’re here to lend a friendly hand! Drawing from over 20 years of experience in tutoring, we’ve collected valuable insights from educators across the country. 的se tips are designed to improve your child’s learning journey beyond the classroom and right into your own home!


Three must-have tips for supporting struggling readers: 

When it comes to helping your child improve their reading, 想:“我愿意, 我们所做的, -我来做,你看着. 那我们一起做吧. 那你动手,我看着! 

  • 我愿意:大声朗读 – Show them what great reading sounds like while boosting vocabulary and understanding. Pick a book together, find a comfy spot, and let them know you’ll do the reading. Ask them to listen not only to the story but also how you read it. Discuss when your voice changes, if you skip and go back to a word, or if you laugh or get confused. 一起探索这些阅读经历. 
  • 我们会让他们模仿你 Using the same book you read aloud, pick a reading strategy and invite your child to join in (i.e. 遇到逗号或句号时停顿, changing your voice when you read dialogue, stopping to figure out a word you weren’t sure of, 等.). Start by re-reading that part yourself, and then have your child imitate the strategy back to you. Practice this a few times and share encouraging feedback along the way.  
  • 每日阅读计划: Set a timer for the next 15 minutes, and let your child pick a book they like to read independently. While they read, encourage them to use the strategy you practiced together. When the timer beeps, have a little chat about how they used the strategy during their reading time. 


Two key approaches to assist students with math challenges:  
  • 流畅性: Establish a 10–15-minute daily routine practicing basic math facts using flashcards, 数学游戏, 甚至 酷的在线工具 (至关重要的 (对数学不好的学生).  
  • 用阅读技巧解决数学题: 这是一个 来自Edutopia的妙招– apply reading comprehension skills to math problems! 遵循以下步骤: 
    • 步骤1: 一起读这个问题: 一起大声朗读问题. Circle the question and underline key numbers and details. Visualize the problem by putting it into context. 
    • 第二步:头脑风暴你的计划: Ask your child to come up with a plan for solving the problem and share it with you before they get started. 
    • 第三步:数学魔法时间: Help them test their plan and double-check their work for accuracy. 
    • 第四步:解释他们是如何做到的: After cracking the problem, have them explain their step-by-step approach to you.  
    • 第五步:建立联系! Discuss what you observed during problem-solving, 识别模式, 规则, or alternative ways to solve similar problems together.

To access targeted reading and math support 资源 for practicing the “I do, 我们所做的, you do” strategy and enhancing fact fluency at home with your students, 只需下载下面的活动包!

Unlocking 数学 Potential: Building 数学 Confidence Together

的 Power of 15 Minutes: Boosting Your Child’s Success Through Daily Reading


在革命预备学校, 我们的专家导师就像超级英雄, crafting personalized learning plans to address your child’s specific needs and swiftly close any learning gaps. We’re dedicated to supporting your child’s educational journey and ensuring their success. If you’re interested in our K-college 项目, schedule a time to speak with one of our expert Academic Advisors (877) 738-7737.



本尼利 serves as bat365’s Chief Research and Impact Officer, learning and speaking about admissions testing and the challenges students face in striving for academic excellence. After beginning his career as a high school math teacher, Ben has held roles in curriculum development and engineering management, and has spent more than 20 years helping families make their best decisions around the learning process. 本得了B.A. in Physics from the University of California, Berkeley and has been with bat365 for 15 years.